Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sign the petition to legitimise Filtering

All of us who ride can see the benefits of moving between lines of very slow moving or stationary vehicles to relieve congestion, Filtering.... (as opposed to lane splitting at higher speed between lines of moving traffic). Clik on the link to sign the petition if you agree: <a href="">Define and legitimise motorcycle filtering Petition | GoPetition</a>

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kuranda Motorcycle expo October 1st 2011

Hey Guys, this is coming up on October 1st. From what I hear there have been an awfully large amount of Harleys in the past. Do we need some more Mediterranean blood in there??? Note that there is a ride from Kuranda to the venue at Kangaventure departing at 1.00pm, an hour before the official opening time. Not sure what the go is with bike entry fees and what this entitles you to but I'll ask Carl and post more here. Alternatively you can ring Carl ya'self.....Check out the poster:  clik on "read more"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Guzzie Overland heading this way

Kev and Karen have done more than 50,000 km so far on their trip from the UK on a modified Guzzi Spada. "Modified" is an understatement, check out their website and explore the links.
Recently "resting" in Mackay Qld after a "problem" with using E10 fuel, and another shorter rest after some ring disintegration problems in Airlie Beach they are on their way up the coast. They participated in the Australian Italian Festival in Ingham on Sunday (7th August) and arrived in Cairns last Friday 12/08/2011. On Saturday they hung around a bit sorting out washing, updating their Blog (follow links from their web page) and various bits and bobs before meeting up with Paul Naylor for a run up the Gillies as far as the tablelands before turning back to get back to Kev and Sharons place at Gordonvale in time for a BBQ greeting from every one.
Sunday was spent soaking up the sunshine at the Cairns swapmeet at the showground before a quick run up to Ellis beach. Keep an eye on the Cairns Post this weekend for some pics and I will add some pics and a story to a page in the "Stranger than Fiction" section soon.
Kev and Karen have now headed up the coast to Cape Trib, Cooktown and all points in between but will be back next week for the Guzzis are Go! run next Sunday the 21st August before they go for the run across the top end to WA.