Thursday, November 17, 2011

A ride this Sunday 20th November??

Daz decided a run would be good this Sunday here's what he had to say about it:

The weather is too good to waste! How about a ride on Sunday 20th november around the tablelands? We could leave the BP at Mareeba about 10.30 am, head over to the lookout at Milla Milla via Malanda, then either down the Palmerston, maybe take South Johnston bypass of Innisfail  stop at Mena Ck pub for a beer or quick bite. Then back up highway, with a quick left option at gordonvale to rejoin at Mountview hotel, then partake in the mighty gillies. Course I am open to other options - except for being a pillion....
Well, thats the plan!  My phone number is 0424977799, if you would like to join me, just feel free to ring to co-ordinate any meet ups - last minute is fine! I haven't been for a ride for 2 months, so if you are late at the BP you will be inspecting my fat arse disappearing up the road...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Two Bike shows this weekend in Cairns!!

Who would've thought this would happen??? Details in Comprehensive Social life Organiser

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Anyone for an Incredible Inca's tour ??

Dave, a fellow frat from Adelaide, contacted me and asked if I would post this here. He and some other Fraternity types joined Ferris Wheels for a tour of Bhutan by Royal Enfield a few years back (and they still haven't shut up about it...). Now they are doing South America and taking in all the sights in that country. They are 1-2 short in numbers to make the tour viable so if you're interested read on...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Guzzi's are GO! wrap up

The much anticipated Guzzis are GO! has been and gone. This year we had 10 Guzzi's show up (actually 11 but Derek only has special interest reg and so unable to come any further than the Gordonvale servo). Without doubt the most interesting machine was Kev and Karen's heavily modified Guzzi Spada otherwise known to us in this country as an SP. Anyway we all showed up on time, even me who discovered a flat tyre when just about to leave home. Never done one of those squidgy cord repairs before, what a great invention! We left Gordonvale more or less on time and the weather gods were kind with the temp being just right. First to Etty bay, a small cove near Innisfail complete with tame(?) Cassowary wandering about, Kurramine Hotel was our next stop where we all lined up for the Traditional foreshore shot.
All too quickly it was time to move on to Mena Creek Hotel for lunch before taking the Palmerstone Highway up onto the tablelands where some of us stopped at the Peeramon Hotel for a cuppa (?) while the rest of us flew down the Gillies to meet the Channel 10 crew waiting to meet Kev and Karen. (They spent a lot of time filming for a 2 minute slot on the National news and here's the link there's a few familiar faces on there hanging around but dont blink or you'll miss em...
Heres what Kev and Karen had to say on their blog leading up to Guzzis are Go!
All up it was a bloody great day and if you clik on this link it'll take you to a 100 or so pictures of it

Looking forward to the next run. Anyone got one in mind? The next event in the "Comprehensive Social Life Organiser" is the Kuranda Bike Show which'll be good.
Hopefully there will be a catch up sooner than that...
Until then ABITE IN COLLES....

Guzzie Overland heading west....

For those of you who turned up to Kevs place for the welcome BBQ and the swap meet and gave them such a hearty welcome at the Guzzis are GO! Kev and Karen Browne wanted me to pass on their thanks for the hospitality and warmth from everyone they met up here in FNQ. Currently they are about to hit Darwin after doing Alice Springs and Uluru. They talk about their travels on their Blog and posted pics and a blurb. Clik here to see what they had to say: Bookmark this link and follow their travels... It was certainly a pleasure to meet them, see their machine and help to make their visit a memorable one...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sign the petition to legitimise Filtering

All of us who ride can see the benefits of moving between lines of very slow moving or stationary vehicles to relieve congestion, Filtering.... (as opposed to lane splitting at higher speed between lines of moving traffic). Clik on the link to sign the petition if you agree: <a href="">Define and legitimise motorcycle filtering Petition | GoPetition</a>

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kuranda Motorcycle expo October 1st 2011

Hey Guys, this is coming up on October 1st. From what I hear there have been an awfully large amount of Harleys in the past. Do we need some more Mediterranean blood in there??? Note that there is a ride from Kuranda to the venue at Kangaventure departing at 1.00pm, an hour before the official opening time. Not sure what the go is with bike entry fees and what this entitles you to but I'll ask Carl and post more here. Alternatively you can ring Carl ya'self.....Check out the poster:  clik on "read more"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Guzzie Overland heading this way

Kev and Karen have done more than 50,000 km so far on their trip from the UK on a modified Guzzi Spada. "Modified" is an understatement, check out their website and explore the links.
Recently "resting" in Mackay Qld after a "problem" with using E10 fuel, and another shorter rest after some ring disintegration problems in Airlie Beach they are on their way up the coast. They participated in the Australian Italian Festival in Ingham on Sunday (7th August) and arrived in Cairns last Friday 12/08/2011. On Saturday they hung around a bit sorting out washing, updating their Blog (follow links from their web page) and various bits and bobs before meeting up with Paul Naylor for a run up the Gillies as far as the tablelands before turning back to get back to Kev and Sharons place at Gordonvale in time for a BBQ greeting from every one.
Sunday was spent soaking up the sunshine at the Cairns swapmeet at the showground before a quick run up to Ellis beach. Keep an eye on the Cairns Post this weekend for some pics and I will add some pics and a story to a page in the "Stranger than Fiction" section soon.
Kev and Karen have now headed up the coast to Cape Trib, Cooktown and all points in between but will be back next week for the Guzzis are Go! run next Sunday the 21st August before they go for the run across the top end to WA.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Italian Vehicle Social Day August 6-7 2011

Just Heard from Christian Smith (CD) in Townsville about the Italian Vehicle Social Day at the Australian-Italian Festival in Ingham and The Ingham Wings and Wheels Airshow on Sept 3-4th which will feature Italian aircraft as well as cars and motorbikes.
These two events will be good possible overnighters or watch this space for details of a Day run with early starts 
Heres what CD had to say:

Monday, July 11, 2011

"Guzzis are go!" happening August 21st 2011

This news came to be here here in true Fraternity style in a roundabout, forwarded to someone who forwarded it further to someone who posted it here. Originally from Jason, heres what he says:

Sunday, July 3, 2011

How to leave a comment.... and other tips...

A few people have asked how to "join" this Blog. Basically if you just want to leave a comment on any of the "POSTS" which is the main blocks of text in the centre of the page you clik on the link on the bottom of whichever post you want to comment on. Its the link which says "0 comments" or "3 comments" whatever. You can make any comment you want and clik on "submit" or "publish".  You will be asked to "submit your comment as:" (as in, who ARE you?) and from the drop down menu you have to choose an option which (if you have "signed in" previously) will be your name or "anonymous" you will then have to decipher some squiggly letters and clik to submit. Your comment will appear as "anonymous says...." or "Joe Blog says:". If you don't do this or sign your name at the bottom we won't know who you are...

Now as for Joining...
(or "following")
Read on.....

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Moto Guzzi Appreciation Fraternity of FNQ is born

Fraternity (n) : 1/brothers;  2/association of like minded friends with a common interest; 3/ elite society protective of its members


A bunch of no good reprobates. The Moto Guzzi Appreciation Fraternity has no presidents, secretaries or committees. If you want to join, then you’re a Frat. Your only obligation is to show us your favourite roads. This is called “organising a ride”, which involves ringing someone on the list of fellow Frats, saying where and when we’re meeting and roughly where we’re going. It will miraculously appear in the next Comprehensive Social Life Organiser. (sent by Blog/email/FB/snail mail/SMS or whatever method works for most...)

Most of us Frats have Guzzi’s but some of us don’t. Most of us prefer a beer but some prefer Guiness. Some of us have a Frat patch (and didn’t have to do anything gross to get one). We all have one thing in common, the bond that comes through a shared love of the ride.

The Moto Guzzi Appreciation Fraternity was established in SA in 1992.  The Frats first “meeting” was at the Cudlee Creek pub and the first run included the Gorge road, famous for its combination of tight twisty and long sweeping bends. It inspired the fraternity’s motto, “ABITE IN COLLES”, Latin for “Head for the Hills”.

Now spreading its Falcon wings to Far North Queensland, the Fraternity gets together at least once a month. It doesn't matter what you ride, how old you are or your gender, anyone who appreciates Moto Guzzis is welcome.

Its hoped that this blog can play a role in keeping us in touch and up to date but as we grow, a list of names and phone numbers will appear in our letterboxes or email inboxes. Someone tech savvy may even work out how to send group SMS's to remind us of upcoming rides. 

The dry season is here, the roads are plentiful, there's plenty of pubs to stop at. What are we waiting for?